As winter approaches, the changing seasons affect more than just the outdoor landscape. As your heating system kicks in to combat the cold, the indoor air can become increasingly dry. This can lead to a variety of issues, particularly for your hardwood floors.

The Winter Woes of Hardwood Floors
Dry air can cause hardwood to lose moisture, resulting in shrinkage. This shrinkage can manifest in several ways:

Gaps between planks: As the wood shrinks, the spaces between the boards become more noticeable.

Checking: Hardwood checking, characterized by small cracks that appear on the surface of the wood, is a common occurrence, especially during periods of low humidity.

Preventing Winter Damage
To mitigate these issues and maintain the health of your hardwood floors, consider installing a humidification system. This system works in tandem with your heating system to add moisture to the air, keeping the relative humidity within the ideal range of 35% to 55% throughout the winter.

By maintaining optimal humidity levels, you can help prevent:
Gap formation

A Healthy Home, A Healthy Floor.
Investing in a humidification system not only benefits your hardwood floors but also improves overall indoor air quality. It can help alleviate respiratory issues, reduce static electricity, and create a more comfortable living environment for you and your family.

We don’t simply lay floors. We lay the foundation where life happens.